
MEDRC Water Research Fellowship Program

The MEDRC Water Research Fellowship program is committed to developing the professional skills and technical research capacity of young water researchers in Palestine and Jordan. We work closely with Fellows to enhance their capacity across a number of areas. In addition to funding for their Master’s research, MEDRC Fellows receive various benefits related to academic and technical training, professional skills and leadership development, global engagement, and community service. Beyond basic scholarship funding, MEDRC Fellows are active partners with MEDRC to develop the local research capacity of Palestine and Jordan to find sustainable solutions to fresh water scarcity.

MEDRC Water Research Fellowships

Jordanian and Palestinian students can apply for a MSc Fellowship at participating Universities. Please note that selection and award administration is conducted though the Participating University, in coordination with the Palestinian Water Authority and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation as agreed. The Fellowship is awarded by MEDRC, and all applications are submitted to MEDRC for administrative review. All applicant queries should be dealt with in coordination between the implementing university and the PWA or the MWI as appropriate.

Applications are closed.

Innovation Initiative Awards

MEDRC funds water research grants in Palestine and Jordan to help support young researchers who are working to develop the science and tools necessary to achieve sustainable solutions to water scarcity. The Innovation Initiative provides support funds to a small selection of promising projects in relevant areas of water research. Candidates will be scored across comprehensive criteria reflecting the strength of the research proposal, the innovation of the approach, and the strategic impact of the project on local and regional water challenges.