MEDRC Launch Monthly Transboundary Bulletin 

Providing Regular Updates on Global Environmental Cooperation.


Launched today, a new MEDRC Bulletin will deliver monthly updates on the latest global responses to cross-border environmental challenges.

The initiative will bring together the latest news about pressing transboundary environmental issues such as water, climate change, and desertification. It will focus primarily on international collaborative efforts and initiatives to deal with these pressing issues.

MEDRC works on cooperation on water issues for development and peace in the Middle East region. As part of this work it continuously surveys other similar efforts to deal with transboundary environmental issues. Through the bulletin MEDRC is providing this work to the wider community of officials, practitioners and researchers who work in this important area.

Announcing the new initiative, MEDRC Center Director Ciarán Ó Cuinn said,

 “MEDRC is an International Organization mandated to be a model for countries seeking to use transboundary environmental issues to build peace and development. Our job is to show how urgent cross-border issues like water, desertification and climate change can, not only be defeated, but jointly harnessed for wider peace and development.

Our focus is primarily water. In our region water is the most pressing transboundary environmental issue. It has the potential to underpin conflict and dependency as well as peace and prosperity. Compounded by climate change, unbridled growth and political discord its global urgency is mounting and must be tackled.

To help us in our work we have always taken an interest in how others deal with transboundary environmental issues, for good and bad. Each month we collate the most recent and interesting news and information about these efforts. Over time we have been asked to share these monthly bulletins with other organizations, partners and governments. We publish them now for the wider community as a simple tool to keep up with the latest activities in the global efforts to deal with transboundary water and broader environmental issues. We hope it is of interest and use”.

MEDRC gather and curate approximately 20 of the latest top stories in international collaboration addressing cross border environmental challenges and bring them to you in once easy accessible place.

The Transboundary Bulletin will augment the monthly Mena Water Bulletin which focuses on broader water research, training and development cooperation issues.

MEDRC also publishes regular Transboundary Practitioner Briefs, practical guides on approach transboundary environmental cooperation.

The first edition of the Transboundary Bulletin is available to read online via MEDRC’s website Here

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