MEDRC Launch International Research Call To Boost Small Scale Desalination Technologies

In partnership with USAID, MEDRC Water Research is launching an international research call for proposals to boost innovation in small scale desalination technologies. The Humanitarian Desalination Challenge Research Call will support pathway research, aimed at the delivery of an innovative family sized desalination unit.

The initiative is designed to run in parallel and in support of the Oman Humanitarian Desalination Challenge launched by MEDRC and The Research Council in March 2018 which offers a $700,000 prize for the person or team that delivers a hand-held, stand-alone, low-cost, desalination device suitable for short-term use and rapid deployment in the event of a humanitarian crisis.

MEDRC will award up to two Pathway Research Grants up to a maximum of $90,000 each in 2019. Should the Oman Humanitarian Desalination Challenge not be won in 2019 another Desalination Challenge Research Call will be made in 2020.

Specifically, the funding aims to deliver a family-sized (120 liters of water per day) brackish desalination device as a precursor or earlier generation to a hand-held device that the Oman Humanitarian Desalination Challenge Prize looks for.

MEDRC’s water research program looks for the latest technological advancements that can cut operational costs, energy requirements and the environmental impact of desalination. The organization’s Center Director, Ciarán Ó Cuinn said ‘While exciting technological advances have been and continue to be made in large scale desalination technologies, MEDRC and our partners The Research Council and USAID, want to shift the focus and look for ways to make the technology more accessible to everyone, independent of large-scale desalination plants. Through the support of our partners The Research Council and now USAID we are leading a major global drive to look for breakthrough solutions that will transform this life saving technology’.

The detailed announcement including all application requirements can be found on the following links;
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Project Funding Agreement
MEDRC Final Report Template

Applications should be forwarded in full to before Sunday September 01, 2019, 4pm Gulf Standard Time (GST)
Applicants are asked to use the email subject line: Desalination Challenge Grant Application

Research project proposals will be evaluated based on the following factors:
Probability of proposed work delivering a brackish desalination system producing 120 liters of water per day (suitable for a family of 6).
Proposal shows how innovations can be downsized to meet the Prize selection criteria.
Demonstration of familiarity in field of work.
Readiness level.
Novelty of approach and work.
Availability of equipment and facilities.

For further information please contact