Palestinian & Jordanian Delagations visit Muscat for Advanced Training at MEDRC HQ.

MEDRC recently conducted two training courses in Muscat, Oman for trainees from Palestine and Jordan as part of its Desalination training module, with funding provided by the Federal German Foreign Office.


This was the first training to take place in person since 2019 and received the largest class batch with 16 trainees total, 9 of which are from Gaza.


The MEDRC Desalination training module follows a progressive course program tailored for plant operators, supervisors, and managers, comprehensively covering the necessary skills and topics of the Reverse Osmosis desalination process. Trainees are tested before and after each course to gauge their learning and progress as RO desal plant operators or managers.


The first course, ‘Seawater Intake and Pretreatment’ was conducted over 3 days and provided the necessary theoretical review and foundational skills necessary to fully understand the intake and pretreatment stages of the desalination process, including clarification and filtration systems, to effectively monitor and calibrate pretreatment systems.


Upon course completion and with sufficient test scores, trainees were invited to partake in the next Desalination module course, ‘SWRO Operation and Features of Optimum Design’. Trainees participated in this training course over a full 4-day period, covering concepts and skills related to the efficient operation and maintenance of RO desalination plants, including raw water characteristics, mitigating scaling, fouling, and RO unit performance changes, with optimum design and performance.


Trainees attending were selected from the Palestinian Water Authority, West Bank Water Department, Coastal Municipal Water Utility, Jordan Valley Authority, Water Authority of Jordan and Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan.