Jordanian Engineers Complete Final RO Training at MEDRC

Five engineers from the Water Authority of Jordan have completed the final course of their RO desalination training program at MEDRC today.

The training was delivered through the Development Cooperation Department at MEDRC under its Technical Capacity Building Program. The program works to enhance institutional knowledge and capacity in Palestine and Jordan, through the provision of specialized training and consultancy services.

Having completed level one and level 2 accreditation in reverse osmosis pretreatment operation and monitoring earlier in the year, they returned this week to attend a four day classroom course in system design which covered the theoretical and practical aspects of design and engineering of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) membrane systems.

The consolidated training program took place throughout the year, with the 5 participants returning to complete each of the following courses:

April 2019 – Operation Monitoring and Troubleshooting, Class Room Course, level 1
July 2019 – RO Operation Monitoring and Troubleshooting Hands On Course, level 1
October 2019 – RO System Operation and Features of Optimum Design & RO pretreatment, level 2
November 2019 – SWRO System Design & RO Post Treatment

The design course provided a brief overview of RO system fundamentals and focused on the selection and design of all key RO system components and discussed alternative RO membrane system configurations, key performance parameters of state of-the art SWRO and BWRO elements, and instrumentation and control components of SWRO plants.

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Jordanian Engineers attend SWRO desalination training at MEDRC