In-Country Strategic Training in Palestine & Jordan

In November 2018, MEDRC delivered strategic in-country training sessions in Palestine (Gaza) and Jordan.
Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, Head of Research at MEDRC held a 2 day training session in Gaza teaching MEDRC MSc and PhD Fellows research methodology and frameworks in line with international academic standards and best practice. The training course was held on 12-13th November in collaboration with the Palestinian Water Authority and consisted of lectures and activities designed to develop research skills. The course covered a variety of topics including; formulating original scientific inquiries, publishing in international research journals and supervisory relationship management.
In Jordan, MEDRC Head of Training, Eng. Riadh Dridi delivered a 3 day training session at the Abu Zegan desalination plant. Held on 13th-15th November the RO Operation, Monitoring & Troubleshooting hands-on training course for medium to large scale desalination plants consisted of lectures on theory, scenarios and best practices with hands-on tutorials and applications and was delivered in cooperation with the Water Authority Jordan (WAJ) and the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA).