Calling on the Desalination Industry to Submit Case Studies

That Might be Included in a Guidance Manual on Marine Algal Blooms

The Middle East Desalination Research Centre (MEDRC) is calling on the desalination industry worldwide to submit case studies that might be included in a guidance manual on marine algal blooms. The manual presents “strategies and pretreatment methods, particularly in SWRO plants, to treat increased suspended solids and organic loads associated with HABs.

Case studies from thermal as well as SWRO plants are requested. MEDRC said the manual would include discussions on risk assessment frameworks to ensure drinking water safety is maintained in the face of a toxic marine HAB along with HAB management response plans.

Don Anderson, Siobhan Boerlage, and Mike Dixon will edit the manual. People wishing to contribute should contact Kevin Price (mkevinprice at and Jauad El Kharraz (elkharraz at at MEDRC.