Call for Applications: Innovation Initiative Research Grant Award

MEDRC is pleased to invite applications for the Innovation Initiative research grant awards for Palestine.

Funded through the Government of the Netherlands and delivered in partnership with the water authorities of Palestine and Jordan , the grants provide research support funds to innovative and impactful projects relating to the water sector, or solutions to fresh water scarcity, with a particular interest in projects relating to water management and wastewater.

The grant will provide support funds ranging from roughly $3,000 to $5,000 USD per project, to a small selection of promising projects in relevant areas of water research.

Grant award recipients will be selected by an international panel of experts representing MEDRC and its regional partners, with additional representatives reflecting national priority research interests and international standards of excellence.

Candidates will be scored across comprehensive criteria reflecting the strength of the research proposal, the innovation of the approach, and the strategic impact of the project on local and regional water challenges.

Selection criteria will be based on a scored system assessing the following:

Quality of research proposal
Applicability of research to local and regional water challenges
Innovation in the approach and the potential impact on the water sector
Scalability and sustainability of the proposed project or potential solution


*Applicants must be a resident national of Palestine or Jordan

Application Deadline: April 20, 2021

I2 Call for Applications 2021 – Palestine

I2 Call for Applications 2021 – Jordan


Queries can be directed to