20 Oct MEDRC Completes Latest Jordanian Technical Mission – Focus on Small Scale Desalination Plants in the Jordan Valley
MEDRC Water Research has completed its latest Jordan Valley Technical Mission. MEDRC technical staff working closely with the Jordan Valley Authority and the Water User Associations conducted the following activities;
Theoretical instruction in reverse osmosis plant operation and maintenance. The four day program was designed specially around the actual plants and conditions in the Jordan Valley. The particular focus was on the small scale desalination plants used by the agricultural sector.
·Practical application of operations and maintenance lessons using small scale desalination plants in the area.
·Groundwork for the development of a MEDRC guidance manual in arabic for farmers and plant operators that will support them in addressing technical problems, chemical cleaning and treatment of their plants.
The event was co-hosted by the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) and the Water User Association (WUA).
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